Stillwater Fast-Track Solutions
Pre-Engineered Plans, Complete Interior Finish Packages – No Changes
For many, the concept of building a new home as quickly and efficiently as possible is an ideal solution. While prefabricated homes already offer a tremendous amount of control and predictability, we’ve also developed a line of Stillwater Fast Track Solutions for those who do not want the extra work of customization.
Below, you can view six of our most popular designs to select. Additionally, you can select one of our 3 pre-determined interior Finish Packages, saving you the time of having to pour over the endless selections of door handles, faucets, and light fixtures. By choosing one of these plans, our clients can expect to shave approximately six months off the homebuilding process–four months of design time, and two months of engineering.
These projects already include complete structural engineering and construction sets. Once the foundation design is adjusted for individual site requirements, we can submit for a building permit. For site adaptation, the plans can be mirrored without any delays.